St. Bede Episcopal Church
Annual Meeting
January 26, 2025
TIME: 11:30 am
PLACE: St. Bede Parish Hall
1577 SE Lider Rd
Port Orchard, WA 98366
Annual Meeting
January 26, 2025
TIME: 11:30 am
PLACE: St. Bede Parish Hall
1577 SE Lider Rd
Port Orchard, WA 98366
The Bishop is Coming! All of us at St. Bede Episcopal Church looks forward to a visit from the Rt. Rev. Bishop Philip N. LaBelle, Ninth Bishop of the Diocese of Olympia, on Sunday, February 2, 2025 at our 10 am church service which he will lead.
We are excited too to join with Bishop LaBelle in enjoying finger foods at Coffee Hour on February 2nd about 11:15 am. Please join us for this event! |
Sunday, January 26th at 10 am
The Third Sunday of After Epiphany!
Join In Our Joyous Service!
9:45 a.m. - GODLY PLAY is BACK for the school year!
(Join us in our Refreshed Church Facility!)
WE HAVE RESTORED OUR LIVESTREAMED SERVICES! We livestream recently our 10 am Services! Please be patient with our audio if delayed.
See LIVE on YouTube :
Masks are optional and those with health concerns are encouraged to wear them. To protect our most vulnerable members, we reserve the right to change our mask recommendations.
St. Bede's Now Has A New, Larger Little Pantry Box! Donations Needed More Than Ever!
Thank you to our Coffee & Grounds Group (aka Men's Group) who installed a new and much larger Little Pantry Box at St. Bede's to replace our old, 2.5 cubic feet box. Our new box was built by Senior Warden Don Little. Through Don's efforts, our new box is 10 cubic feet! This allows for significantly more food (and some books) to be available at St. Bede's to community members in need. A special thanks to everyone who donates funds or non-perishables to the Little Pantry, including Grace Baptist Church and others from the community. If you have questions about how you can help, contact St. Bede's via email.
Thank you to our Coffee & Grounds Group (aka Men's Group) who installed a new and much larger Little Pantry Box at St. Bede's to replace our old, 2.5 cubic feet box. Our new box was built by Senior Warden Don Little. Through Don's efforts, our new box is 10 cubic feet! This allows for significantly more food (and some books) to be available at St. Bede's to community members in need. A special thanks to everyone who donates funds or non-perishables to the Little Pantry, including Grace Baptist Church and others from the community. If you have questions about how you can help, contact St. Bede's via email.
- St. Bede's Brown Bag Luncheon: All Are Welcome! Next meeting on Tuesday, February 18th, 11:30 am, We provide Coffee & Tea. This month is a Potluck Lunch! Gift Exchange with $10 max. Meets monthly on 3rd Tuesday.
- Coffee & Grounds Group: (All are Welcome!) Next meetings are January 23rd and February 13th for Coffee & Chatting, then work on projects for Church grounds & maintenance. Meets on 2nd & 4th Thursdays of each month at 10 am beginning in Parish Hall.
St. Bede Helps:
FAMILY KITCHEN: WE COOK & SERVE A DINNER TO THE HUNGRY IN OUR COMMUNITY! Our next date for Family Kitchen will be February 17th (one Monday a month). Family Kitchen is held at the First Lutheran Church using their excellent kitchen and large hall. We very much appreciate our robust crews the last few months as we set up, prepare, serve and clean up after the sit-down dinner. We begin at 11:00 am; Meal service starts at 5:00 pm; We are ALL done with clean-up between 6-6:30 pm. Please contribute ANY amount of time as you are able - come early and help set the tables or come letter to cook & serve. Please direct any questions to Fran Valley. About St. Bede's
We believe that Jesus Christ came to reveal the fullness of God's love for us, and we celebrate that love through praise, sacraments, service, and community. Get Involved
Our church offers a wide range of ministry opportunities. Whether you'd like to learn more, pray more, or serve more, we have a ministry for you. Support St. Bede's Making an offering of your financial resources is an integral part of what it means to be a Christian. We have a variety ways to make it easy for you to support our church. |
Our Common, Weekly Worship:
Getting Crafty: New Latch Hook Cross Adds to St. Bede's
Parish Hall Long-time Parishioner and LEM, Don Little, created and donated a lovely latch hook cross wall hanging. This cross now graces St. Bede's parish hall - just above the baskets for donations. Thank you, Don! |
CLICK BELOW for more pictures of the St. Bede's Crew "hard at work" for Family Kitchen, on Dec. 23rd.
As we had some dishes in the oven, we took the time for Holiday pictures by First Lutheran Church's Christmas tree! ttps:// |
St. Bede's Episcopal Church
1577 SE Lider Rd Port Orchard, WA 98366 360-876-1182 [email protected] Mailing Address PO Box 845 Port Orchard, WA 98366 |